The Diverse Dominion Deities represent the strength, unity, and growth that come from embracing diversity. Manifesting as a group of four entities, they represent cultural, racial, gender, and thinking diversity. I created the Diverse Dominion Deities to shed light on the fragility of diversity in Australia.
I begin by creating four mythical creatures to serve as vessels for the deities. Using mass-produced ceramic animals sourced from the internet, I apply a coat of industrial-grade white spray paint for consistent looks. I then decorated the animals with porcelain flowers that I made using flat clay technique. The flowers were hand-painted individually with cobalt pigment and attached using Blu-Tack to the animals. As a last step, I hand-built four deities from air-dry modelling clay, painted them with acrylic paint, and placed them on top of the animals.
Through the combination of various materials and techniques, I portray the diverse clay world: mass production symbolises commercial products, porcelain represents high art, and air-dry clay signifies hobbies. Cultural diversity is reflected in this amalgamation.
The array of porcelain flower designs resembles a vibrant garden, illustrating the flourishing world that emerges when diverse identities unite harmoniously. By embellishing the animals with flowers, their original shape, meaning, and purpose are transformed, mirroring the creation of new identities and perceptions when different cultures merge.
Blu-Tack represents the intricate and delicate nature of cross-cultural connections. Just as the flowers affixed with Blu-Tack can potentially be knocked off or unpredictably loosen over time, cross-cultural bonds can also become fragile and weaken if not nurtured and safeguarded. It requires careful handling with respect, and sensitivity, much like the adhesive itself.
The Blu-Tack is clearly visible to the audience. It is a metaphor that different cultures can never come together Seamlessly. There are always bits and pieces that don't fit and can't be hidden. Yet, its malleability allows for adjustments, facilitating harmonious integration among the flowers. Similarly, cross-cultural encounters require continuous adaptation, adjustment, and acceptance.
My work underscores the importance of valuing and preserving cultural diversity while acknowledging the ongoing efforts required for harmonious coexistence.

Vipoo Srivilasa next to his kiln, 2023. Photo: Matthew Stanton
Vipoo Srivilasa is a Thai-born, Melbourne-based artist, creates intricate artworks reflecting his bicultural experience between Australia and Thailand. Using ceramics, paper, mixed media, bronze, and performance art, he explores cultural, social, and environmental intersections. Vipoo collaborates as an activist, fostering cultural exchange and engaging with cross-cultural experiences. He holds a Masters degree and his work is exhibited worldwide. Vipoo was named 2021 Ceramic Artist of the Year by The American Ceramic Society.
Diverse dominion Deities (set of 4), 2023
Mass-produced ceramic sourced from the internet, porcelain, air dry modelling clay, Blu-Tack, industrial spray paint, acrylic paint gold, cobalt pigment.
1000mm L x 150mm W x 520mm H